School will reopen on Friday 10th January 2025
After lots of hard work from Mr Sugden (Business Manager), the Mitie site team and colleagues from Tameside, we can open school safely on Friday 10th January.
Some areas of site will still be icy/snowy, so extra care is needed but it has been (and continues to be) well gritted on the driveway and walkways. We are again asking students to resist the temptation to throw snowballs in order to avoid any injury and wet clothing.
Students who are arriving at school via the back gate will need to follow the same diversion as Tuesday so that the steep section of footpath is avoided. Staff will be on duty in the area as normal.
There is still a lot of ice on the road on Mottram Old Road, mostly as you turn left out of school towards Hattersley so if you are dropping your child off at the front of school, please be careful on your journey in and out of school.
We thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we have been closed and look forward to welcoming everyone back into school tomorrow.