Year 9 is a very important year for our students; it is the year in which they look to the future and make informed choices about what they want to study at Key Stage 4 and beyond. We have high ambition for all of our students and our aim is to provide everyone with a curriculum that enables them to leave at the end of Year 11 with the best possible set of qualifications.
The options process will guide each student to a personalised Key Stage 4 curriculum. Students will be encouraged to think about:
Which subjects they enjoy.
Which subjects they are successful at.
Their aspirations for future education and career choices.
We advocate that all students choose a wide range of subjects, so they keep as many possible options open for further study and future careers. What your child chooses to study at KS4 will influence what they do once they leave us at the end of year 11; A levels, T levels, other vocational courses, an apprenticeship or other work-based training. Your child’s option choices open the doors to their future!
The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is a set of qualifications seen as ambitious and academic. It includes the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, along with a Language (French) and a Humanities subject (geography or history). The EBacc pathway is open to all students to choose if they wish. Students should consider the EBacc suite of subjects if they are thinking about a pathway to university in the future.
The year 9 options timeline is as follows:
Y9 Parents’ and Options evening on Thursday 16th January.
Options presentations in Compass:
3:45pm – 4:15pm
4:45pm – 5:15pm
5:45pm – 6:15pm
Options booklet and options form issued on Thursday 16th January.
Options assemblies starting on Monday 20th January.
Mrs Howell (Progress Leader for Year 9) Ms Huddleston (SENDCO) and SLT will meet those who may require further support as appropriate.
Deadline for submission of the options form is Monday 10th February.
If you have any questions during the options process, please email
Year 9 Options Information