Ingredients for food technology are now ordered by the school. In order to support with this, please ensure you pay for your child's ingredients through parent pay or by providing cash in an envelope marked clearly with your child's full name and year group, this can be delivered to reception or Miss Barnes.

The following payments are for each year group and cover the cost of ingredients for each rotation at KS3 and the whole year at KS4. 

Year 7 - £10

Year 8 - £12

Year 9 - £18

Year 10 - £60 (this can be paid in instalments at the start of each term if preferred).

Year 11 - £60 (this can be paid in instalments at the start of each term if preferred. This does NOT cover the ingredients for students GCSE practical exam in February, these ingredients will need to be provided by students).

If there are any questions or concerns surrounding this, please email: or the finance team.