Alder Community High School: Our Contribution to Tameside’s Local Offer.

Contact Information:

SENCO: Miss L Huddleston

SEN Support Manager: Miss V Heywood

SLT with responsibility for SEN: Miss H Sloan, Assistant Headteacher

SEN link Governor: Mrs D Wills

Alder Community High School, 
Mottram Old Road, 
Gee Cross, Hyde 
SK14 5NJ


What We Do and How We Do It.

The school has no specialism in meeting the needs of children with particular Special Educational Needs; although we are able to support students with a wide range of additional needs through Quality First Teaching and additional support from the SEND department.  

We believe that all learners including those with SEND should have the opportunity to experience a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum. We have high aspirations and expectations of all students and believe that this is the best way to ensure that students leave Alder with the right skills and qualifications to make their next steps into adulthood.  

At Alder, all teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the students in their class and will communicate with families in line with school reporting and monitoring policies.  

High quality teaching is our first step in responding to students who have SEND. Students will be taught in aspirational, largely mixed ability groups where teaching staff make provision for all pupils using a wide variety of tools. 

The SEND department is comprised of knowledgeable and experienced staff, including Teaching Assistants, SEND Learning Support Managers and a SENDCo. The SENDCo has completed the National SEND Coordination award. Staff working in the department are proficient in supporting students with a wide variety of additional needs. 

When deciding whether special educational provision is required, we will start with the desired outcomes, including the expected progress and attainment, and the views and the wishes of the pupil and their parents. We will use this to determine the support that is needed and whether we can provide it by making small adjustments to provision offered to all students, or whether something different or additional is needed. There will be a process of monitoring before SEND status will be given. This will always be decided by those staff members who are involved in the care of students and their adults at home. After a period of monitoring, if all stakeholders agree that additional to, or different provision is needed to support a student to make progress, students will then be placed on the SEND register with the status of ‘SEND Support’ (K). In some cases, these needs may have been identified in Primary school or within our setting.  

Students may also have an EHCP and as a school we follow the statutory processes as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice for reviewing these with relevant stakeholders.  

A concern about a student with regards to additional needs can be raised by any member of staff within the school, parents/carers or external agencies. 

Students who are identified as potentially having a special educational need will then be monitored within school or may be referred to an external agency. Alder works with the following agencies: 

  • Tameside Specialist Outreach Service  

  • Speech and Language therapy (SaLT) 

  • Educational Psychology 

  • Occupational Therapy 

  • Physiotherapy 


How We Will Communicate with You.

We believe that clear and consistent communication creates the best environment for students to progress. We will communicate via email or phone call. This communication may come from a member of the SEND team, a progress leader, or a class teacher. We want to communicate openly so that:  

• Everyone develops a good understanding of the pupil’s areas of strength and difficulty  

• We take into account the parents’ concerns  

• Everyone understands the agreed outcomes sought for the child  

• Everyone is clear on what the next steps are 

Appointments can also be made to discuss progress with the SENDCo or a member of the Learning Support team where necessary. EHCPs are officially reviewed annually, and progress reviews may be scheduled when requested. The SEND department has a dedicated email address which is monitored by the SENDCo: 



How We Support Students with Transition.

Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3

The Progress Leader and SENDCo will arrange to meet with staff and students with SEND in May of Year 6. All students are invited to a transition day and a transition evening, will have the opportunity to speak to form tutors and the SENDCo if necessary. Additional transition experiences may be arranged if necessary.

Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4

At the end of Year 9 student’s progress and options will be reviewed. Pathways will be discussed with the students and parents will have a chance to speak to teachers at our Options evening. The SENDCo will meet with pupils who have an EHCP to support them with their options choices.

Key Stage 4 to Post 16

At Key Stage 4, all students attend taster days at college. They have access to careers advice via our school careers support service. We have a careers fair in Year 10 and also mock interviews to support with college preparation. Colleges will meet with the SENDCo and progress leaders prior to students starting after Year 11. 


Local Offer and Support 

We encourage families to access support from outside services as this can create opportunities to form additional support networks. 


Links to the local offer for Tameside:  

Our local authority’s local offer is published here: 

Tameside SEND Local Offer 


SEND Policies

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