We are looking forward to our activities day on Thursday 12th October. All students should arrive in school at the normal time of 8.20am and report to their form room for registration.
To ensure the safety of everyone and to ensure coaches can gain access freely, the car park will be closed to all parents/carers, except those requiring disabled access.
Students staying in school
Students who are staying in school will follow an enrichment timetable of varied enrichment activities in school, starting with all students enjoying a cinema experience in the main hall. They will be watching the film of the summer, Barbie (12A). Years 7 and 8 will go on to experience professional lessons in martial arts and archery from our community specialists and years 9, 10, and 11 will undertake a hike up Werneth Low. Students staying in school should attend in their PE kits for these activities. We will finish the day with The Big Enrichment Day Quiz provided by Hot Spot Quizzing. Attendance is not optional, and any absence will be unauthorised. A limited lunch menu will be available. The school day will finish as normal at 2.45pm and the school buses will be running.
Students going on a trip
Students who are going to Chester Zoo or Blackpool Pleasure Beach do not need to wear school uniform but should come dressed appropriate for the forecasted weather. Mobile phones are allowed on the trip but remain the responsibility of the student at all times. It is recommended that valuables are left at home.
Students who are going to Chester Zoo should bring a packed lunch. Students who are going to Blackpool Pleasure Beach can bring a packed lunch or money to purchase their lunch (see information below). Students who are eligible for a free school meal will be provided with a packed lunch where this has been pre-ordered.
If your child requires any medication such as an inhaler please ensure that they have this with them.
Blackpool Pleasure Beach
Blackpool Pleasure Beach is a cashless attraction, with all shops and restaurants accepting credit or debit card only. Students who do not have access to a debit or credit card will be able to upload cash to a pre-paid Pleasure Beach Card upon arrival at the park. This can then be used at units across the park. Please note this card is not accepted at Burger King.
Arrangements for the end of the day
Parents must make appropriate arrangements to ensure the safe passage home of their child once the trip returns. Please ensure that you have agreed the arrangements with your child in the morning so that they know how they are getting home.
As in previous years, to ensure the safety of everyone and to ensure coaches can enter and exit freely, the school car park will be closed and only open to allow coaches in. However, the front of school will remain open for disabled access. There is a small car park at the back of school with access from Grange Road South. This will apply both in the morning and in particular when the coaches are due back to school.
May we suggest that students walk home as normal in groups, or if it is absolutely necessary that they are picked up by car, please make arrangements for a pick-up point for your child. Parents may be able to arrange to pick up more than one student to alleviate potential parking issues. Also, there is plenty of parking on Grange Road South.
We are staggering the return of the coaches but please note the return times are only approximate and dependent upon traffic conditions:
Year 7 and other year groups going to Chester Zoo – approximately 5pm
Year 8 – approximately 4:45pm
Year 9 – approximately 5pm
Year 10 – approximately 5:15pm
Year 11 – approximately 5:30pm
We will ask students to text home when we are about 15 minutes from school, but please do not rely on this method as experience has taught us that mobile phone batteries are often flat by the end of the day. Please do not arrive before your allocated slot otherwise this could cause problems on local roads. If there is going to be any significant delay to the return times, we will post an update on the school Facebook and Twitter pages. The Twitter posts can be viewed by all, on the school website.
We are sure all our students will enjoy the day and have a memorable experience.
Thank you for your continued support.