Dear parents/carers,
As we approach the end of term I would like to share with you the arrangements for the last day of term, and some other important information. We will finish school for the Christmas holidays at 12.15pm on Friday, 16th December 2022. Lessons will continue as normal in the morning and students should wear full school uniform. Lunch will not be available. We have requested that the school buses are available at 12.15pm but please note this is not guaranteed.
School re-opens to all at 8:20am on Tuesday, 3rd January 2023
Scarlet Fever and Group A Strep
Tameside Population Health have issued authority wide guidance and information for parents on Scarlet Fever and Group A Strep. Please follow this link to read the letter.
Celebration Assemblies
We look forward to celebrating with our students in the last week of term when we will hold our Celebration Assemblies. Students will be awarded subject badges and also awards for showing the Alder Values of Altruism, Leadership, Diversity, Excellence and Resilience. It is always a wonderful way to end the term.
Christmas Carol Concert – Monday 12th December
Our annual Christmas carol concert will take place at Hyde Chapel on Monday, 12th December at 5pm. Everyone is welcome, we look forward to seeing you there!
Year 11 school photographs – Tuesday 13th December
On Tuesday, 13th December the school photographer will be in school to take individual photographs of Year 11. Students will bring home a QR code for parents to be able to order a copy of it online if they choose.
Alder Class of 2022 GCSE Certificate Collection – Tuesday 13th December
We are looking forward to welcoming back our Alder Class of 2022 on Tuesday, 13th December 2022. Former students will have the opportunity to catch up with friends and staff whilst collecting your GCSE certificates. This is a drop-in event which will be held in the main hall between 3.00pm and 4:30pm.
Please note, GCSE certificates may be needed years into the future, so it is important that they are collected and kept in a safe place. Replacement certificates can cost up to £40.
Students who studied Art and Photography will also be able to collect their work at this time too.
Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day - Wednesday 14th December
On Wednesday, 14th December we will be serving Christmas lunch. There will be a vegetarian alternative, but no other menu is available on the day. The cost for Christmas lunch is £2.32.
Also, students will be able to wear a Christmas jumper, if they wish, in exchange for a £1 donation to charity. This can be paid on the day or in advance on ParentPay. The donations received will be sent to a charity chosen by each year group. Students should wear their usual school trousers or school skirt and their usual school shoes with their Christmas jumper.
Free school meal vouchers
Tameside MBC have issued us with vouchers for Asda to cover free school meals over the Christmas break. These have been emailed by Mrs Webb to eligible families. If you have not yet received yours, please check the ‘junk’ box of your e mail or contact the school office. If your circumstances have changed and you think that you may be entitled to receive free school meals, there is information about how to apply on the Free School Meals page.
Year 11 Parents’ Evening
Year 11 Parents' Evening is taking place face to face in school on Wednesday, 4th January 2022 between 3.30pm and 6.30pm. Parents and carers of students in year 11 will be able to book a 5 minute appointment with their child’s subject teachers through our online booking system. We will try to keep to appointment times as much as possible but as you can imagine, there may need to be a bit of flexibility on the night.
To book your appointments please visit https://alderchs.schoolcloud.co.uk/
Nasal Flu Vaccination
The IntraHealth Immunisation Team will be in school early in the new year to administer the nasal flu vaccine to students in Year 7, 8 and 9. More information about the vaccine can be found on this link. An online consent form will be provided shortly.
School Closure Information
As winter is now upon us, please familiarise yourself with the arrangements on our school closure information page. Hopefully we will get to the end of term without any disruptions.
Kind regards,
Mr R O'Regan