School will close 1:05pm on Thursday, 29th September to allow staff to set up for our Year 6 Open Evening. There will be no lunch available on site. If your child is entitled to receive a free school meal and you would like to pre-order a packed lunch for them please email h.webb@alderchs.uk specifying whether they would prefer ham or cheese. The school buses have been requested to arrive at the earlier time.
There will be a delayed start on Friday, 30th September. Form time will start at 9.30am (students who arrive at 9.31am will be classed as late). There will be no period 1. Students will go to period 2 as normal at 9.45am.
Unfortunately, the school buses will still run at normal time on Friday morning. Any students who arrive at normal time on the school bus will be supervised in school until 9.30am.