Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back!
Our first full week back has been a really positive experience for all students. I am particularly pleased with the way year 7 have settled quickly into secondary school life. I have spoken to all year groups in assembly and emphasised the importance of good attendance and hard work this year to enable them to succeed.
There has been a really positive vibe around school and it is a delight to see students back at school with their friends and teachers learning new things every day.
Queen Elizabeth II
Last week we were saddened to hear the news of the passing of our longest reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. Form tutors shared news stories and talked to students about this sad event. Obviously, our thoughts and prayers go out to King Charles and his family.
Please note that school will now be closed to all staff and students on Monday, 19th September for the additional bank holiday to mark the day of the state funeral.
Buses and car parking
The car park is very busy at the start and end of the school day. Please be mindful of the parking restrictions and avoid parking on double yellow lines as the buses cannot get past the bend. Also, please don’t park in any part of the bus lane or on the pavements. There is more parking at the back of school accessed via Grange Road South where it is safer and quieter.
Students have started the school term incredibly well with very few minor uniform issues which have been resolved. Thank you for your support with this. The uniform policy, which can be found further down this page is very clear and means that staff and students can focus on getting on with school life without any upset. Please pay particular attention to the sections on shoes, skirts and jewellery.
Equipment (pens, pencils, etc) is available for sale between 7.45am and 8.20am in the dining room.
KS3 Planners
All of our KS3 students have been given a school planner. Students should carry their planners with them at all times; it forms part of the KS3 equipment list. The planner will be used by students to record homework, complete vocabulary and We Are Alder form time activities and be used during lessons. There is useful subject specific information provided at the back of the planner. The planner can also be used for communicating with your child’s form tutor. Please familiarise yourself with the planner, read and sign the ICT usage policy on page 5 and the Home School Agreement on page 6. Your child’s planner should also be signed at the end of each week by a parent or guardian.
Staffing news
A warm welcome to our new staff: Miss Tunley and Mr Lamb (Assistant headteachers), Mr Bowman (English), Mr Rosedale (Maths), Mrs Heelam (Science), Miss Kelly and Mrs Whitmore (Technology) and Mr Gander (Languages). Mrs Zameer and Mrs Anderson have also joined our SEN team.
We have five serving points at lunchtime which helps to reduce queueing times. There are two serveries for hot plated dinners, a deli bar, a pasta bar and an outside pod serving ‘grab and go’ style food. Of course, students may wish to bring a packed lunch which can be eaten in the main hall. At break and lunch students will queue up at the dining hall one either a 1st or 2nd sitting which will alternate each week.
Water bottles
We have now stopped selling water in plastic bottles and all students should bring a water bottle to school. These can be filled up from any one of the numerous water fountains around school.
Sports Awards Evening
We were unable to run Sports Awards Evening last term and it has been rescheduled for Wednesday, 14th September 2022. You will be notified in due course (if you already haven’t been) if you child has won an award.
Activities Day – 12th October 2022
Once again, this year we will be running the end of year trips in October in order that students get a better experience and value for money. Information letters about the trips we will be running to Chester Zoo and Blackpool Pleasure Beach have been sent to parents via ParentPay. In addition to the trips we will have also have activities back in school.
School Gateway
School Gateway is a parent engagement app that will allow you to communicate with the school and view your child’s timetable, achievements, behaviour points and reports at anytime from anywhere.
All school related communication, calendar dates, newsletters, reports, timetables and attendance figures will go through School Gateway and Schoolcomms email. In order to stay up to date with what’s going on at school make sure you download the app for free. Just search School Gateway in your App store and download. If you do not use the school gateway app we will still be able to communicate with you via SMS text message and e mail.
Apple iPhone users, download the app here: www.schoolgateway.co.uk/iosdownload
Android phone users, download the app here: www.schoolgateway.co.uk/androiddownload
The first time you use the app, select 'sign up' at the bottom of the screen. You will then need to enter your e mail address and your mobile number. You will then be sent a PIN number by text message to enter into the app. Your e mail address and mobile phone number must match what we have on record for you at school, so please make sure the details we hold for you are up to date. You can check and change these details by sending an email to admin@alderchs.uk
Calendar dates
Open Evening for Year 6 - Thursday, 29th September
Activities Day - Wednesday, 12th October
Year 7 Welcome to Alder Parents’ Evening - Wednesday, 19th October
Year 11 Parents’ Evening - Wednesday, 4th January
Year 9 Parents’ Evening - Wednesday, 1st February
Year 10 Parents’ Evening - Wednesday, 8th March
Year 8 Parents’ Evening - Thursday, 20th April
Year 7 Parents’ Evening - Thursday, 4th May
Yours faithfully,
Mr R O’Regan
Term Dates
Uniform and Equipment